What I Do When I’m Bored

Hey ladies and gents, welcome back! Do you guys ever have that weekend where everyone is busy or you decided to not make plans and instantly regret it because you are sitting at home with nothing to do? A couple weekends ago I was faced with this problem but decided to come up with some things to do to entertain me. Keep reading if you also want to find solutions for boredom. Be Creative:

I started drawing when I was a kid and eventually worked up to painting and even went out and bought a kids easel and other paint supplies. Now my favorite form of art is sketching because I prefer shading to adding color. I personally think drawing is a good solution to boredom as well as coloring in a coloring book or app because it can reduce stress and relax you as well as giving you something to do. You can also show off your work to all your friends!


Another activity that is always fun to do is making a playlist on your favorite music apps like Spotify, SoundCloud, or apple music. I love listening to music because it puts me in a good mood and puts out good vibes. It’s also a great thing to do when you are doing something that you don’t enjoy like homework or even while you are doing an activity at home like drawing.

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One last thing I highly recommend is to make a blog, just like this one! There are tons of different blog options such as lifestyle, adventure, food, review, and even more. Having a blog can allow you to be able to get things off your chest and feel like you can talk to other people, and of course, you can also make your posts private and use it as a diary type blog as well.

Be Productive: 

Having nothing to during the weekend is a great excuse to get your work done whether it’s homework, missing assignments that you need to catch up on, or even just reading a book that is either assigned or just something you’ve been wanting to read.  Although it’s not preferred, you’ll feel accomplished if you get all your work done and you won’t be bummed when you realize last minute that you have homework when all you wanna do is go to bed.


Read a Good Book!


Another thing I sometimes do when I have an open weekend is clean my room and get all my laundry done. These activities can be seen as boring themselves, but it gives you something to do instead of just sitting around. You also always feel better when you have a clean and organized space to relax in as well as clean clothes for the week because there’s not usually time to do these things during the school week when you are tired or consumed with other homework.

Be Lazy:

Of course, the classic things to do when you have free time is to watch tv, catch up on your favorite show on Netflix, or even have a movie marathon. There is also tons off stuff to do on your phone like scroll social media (Instagram or snapchat), play games, watch youtube videos or search the web, which you can also do on your computer.

I hope this blog post inspired you to do some of these activities during your free time!

comment if there are other things you like to do when you are bored 🙂


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