Preparing For Finals

Hey Guys, Welcome back!

With less than a month of school left, summer is peering around the corner, and although those sun-soaked beaches and ice cold popsicles are almost in reach, the dread of finals needs to be acknowledged before even discussing summer plans. Finals can be a stressful time for everyone, especially with the fear of juggling every bit of information you’ve learned in the last 11 months (give or take), and attempting to retain every math equation to every vocabulary word. In dodging any study methods that threaten the enjoyability of the last few weeks of school, students turn to the predetermined notion that studying immense amounts of information in a short time period is the best way to ace your final. With so much material to cover and so many classes to stress about, it’s understandable to become overwhelmed when approaching studying habits, and immediately relying on the well sought out “cram sessions,” but this now transparent facade is undeniably a ‘broken system.’

After 2 years of  miserable attempts not living up to their triumphant reputation, I realized staying up for hours on ends just to get an average score on my test wasn’t seeming worth it anymore. I needed to try out versions that were mentally adequate, especially in terms of my health, as well as successful, so I decided to, as many say, “study smarter not harder.” I strongly recommend you ditch the last minute cramming, and save your brain the aches and pains by following these simple and manageable studying tips I apply as finals come into view. 

MAD Mexico

Hey guys, welcome back! Just a couple weekends a go I went on a volunteer trip to Tijuana, Mexico with my school. The trip was organized by MAD academy, which is an inner academy that specializes in multimedia arts and design(photography, film making, adobe illustrator, adobe photoshop, etc.). Our class was working with Amor Ministries, which is a company that specializes in building homes for the less privileged parts of the world. We were fortunate enough to be able to tent out on their campsite and were provided with building supplies and instructions to construct the house. Read more to find out about my eye-opening and gratifying experience with the MAD academy.

Best Places to Eat in New Orleans

Hey Guys, welcome back! As you know I recently went to New Orleans and along with adventuring the city and what it has to offer, I was able to experience another feature that New Orleans is known for—food!! Being in New Orleans allowed me to explore their unique culture which included the marvelous food they have. Read more to find out the abundance of food I ate and the best restaurants to go to. 

My NOLA Excursion

Hey guys welcome back! Just recently I went to New Orleans with my family and decided to blog about it. I went with my mom, dad, friend and her mom. We went down there for our family friends 50th birthday, who’ve we’ve know for about 20 years, to celebrate with her as well as explore the beautiful, unique city. Read more to hear about the food, adventures, and more. 

My Best Friend

Hey ladies and gents, welcome back to my blog, you’re in for a treat! This weeks post is about the start of my friendship with my best friend, Francesca Encell, and the story of how we met as well as how our relationship blossomed over the years. I will also be interviewing her so you can get a look into her life. Read more if you want to learn about our friendship and some traits about Francesca Encell.

Spring Break in Hawaii

Hey guys, welcome back! Last week, it was spring break for my school, and for my week off, my family and I decided to take a trip to Hawaii! My grandma owns a condo down there, which she rents out to other residents when she isn’t on the island. Keep reading to find out all the adventures we went on, the amazing food we ate, and more.

A Bday Bash @ Ice in Paradise

Hey girlies, welcome back! Last weekend on Saturday, March 17th, it was Lucca Scibird’s Birthday! She was turning 16 and decided to make it a special one by inviting many of her close friends to join her at Ice in Paradise; there were almost 40 people there! Keep reading to find out more about the exciting day and the abundance of activities that were involved. 

Tb to Cabo

Hey guys, welcome back! Today’s blog post is about my last trip to Cabo. I was scrolling through my photos and saw pictures of my family and I in Cabo and I started reminiscing about how fun it was which sparked the idea to share my trip with you guys! Read more if you laddys wanna hear about my exciting and eventful trip to Cabo!!

A Day w/ Sor

Hey, Girlies, I’m back with another post! Just last week on Wednesday, February 28th, I decided to spend the day with one of my really good friends Soren. We had a whole day planned consisting of a quick ukelele session at her house as well as going to the gym. If you wanna read about our day filled with laughter and sweet jams as well as getting a sneak peek at our workout routine, then keep reading.

What I Do When I’m Bored

Hey ladies and gents, welcome back! Do you guys ever have that weekend where everyone is busy or you decided to not make plans and instantly regret it because you are sitting at home with nothing to do? A couple weekends ago I was faced with this problem but decided to come up with some things to do to entertain me. Keep reading if you also want to find solutions for boredom.